The Great Picnic!

Lucas Lis
2 min readAug 19, 2022

Greetings readers!
Today I will tell you about another chapter of my life. I will tell you a story of my social life. But before I head to the recent chapter of my story about how I made friends, I must insist say how to begin, to advise my dearest readers on where to begin.

As been said before, It was hard for me to make friends at these times, but that is history. I have finally did make several friends. Yes, friends are hard to make. To be able to make someone like you as a friend, you must start with one, that is yourself. Furthermore, you need first to accept yourself as a friend and how you positively see yourself. Do not try attempting to bully yourself with any negative words. Harmful words could potentially lead to severe emotional consequences.
From my experience, there is at the time a moment when you may lead to negativity, but the art of apologizing to your mental self and physical self is never too late. It may be hard but don’t be afraid of giving it a go. And do not hesitate to begin your new journey, and you may lead to your main goal of making friends.

Recently I was on my social media and looking for someone to be a friend with me. I have found a place group with the nearest location name. I found many people there that are friendly there. I first had to get to know them better after I decided to ask them If I could meet them in the real world for a picnic. A picnic is a great way to unlock new friends. Remember, you must keep in mind if you are using social media to look for real friends, you must be careful who you meet. So a quick example, before heading out, let the person who takes care of you know that you are about to head out. So I tried a host picnic event, and I got around lots of people in total interested. And I received 14 people in total at the event. We got ourselves into each food to share, but it turned out to be that we brought too much of it. I laughed confusingly about how a lot of food was on our picnic. There was so much food at the picnic that we barely had any place to sit.

After their picnic day, I felt different, felt better, and happier about myself.
So whoever is searching for any form of friends, try this method! :D
When sad, make happy memories begin.

I feel so glad about myself now, and I have to go, for now, take care, my friend! And don’t worry, I will be back for further information and updates about my life. Thank you for being here. :)

And again, I apologize for keeping it too short!

I wouldn’t make it possible to write this down without Grammarly, so thank you too!



Lucas Lis

(Make sure you read my blog from bottom to top posts and click on titles to read more.)